What We Offer

Our Services

A2B property can provide you with the help you need to get from A to B on your property journey.

Pre Settlement

We are here every step of the way to ensure you get your property.

Post Settlement

We can help you meet your property strategy after you settle.

Our Services

Pre Settlement

Property Research

We are up to speed on government incentives, upcoming infrastructure & geographic trends. Not to mention updates we receive after working with agents & buyers on daily basis.

Property Strategy

We create a strategy that meets your financial & family needs. We can discuss your tax, cashflow, total portfolio plans.

Finding Property

This is what we do. We find properties that meet our mutually agreed property strategy. We find properties that tick all the boxes. We aren’t emotionally attached.


We can assist you with solicitors, pest, building, arborist & anything else you may need to get comfort in our chosen property.


Don’t like dealing with agents? We do 😊 We do it every day & we know where we stand. We know what the price should be & know how to get us the best deal possible.

Auction Bidding

Get nervous bidding at your own auction? We don’t. We love it 😊 Let us hold your paddle & give your budget the best chance of success with emotionless bidding.

Our Services

Post Settlement

Trade & Building

we can help find you trialed & tested tradies from within our network were possible to help with your renovation or new build.

Development Plans

It can be daunting to seek approval. Although with the right help it can be a simple process. We can put you in touch with property professionals from within the A2B Property network.

Renovation Strategy

We can assist with renovation estimates, strategy & discussions on best return from your investment.

Contact us

Let's discuss your needs. Book an obligation free catch up and we can discuss your requirements.
Contact us